The AA

The Brief

AA Login Page

The AA is one of the world’s most trusted motoring associations, providing insurance, breakdown cover, motoring advice and many other services.

AA Ireland has added a new Dealer Network service to register AA-approved dealers in an online system, designed and developed by Matrix Internet.

The new AA Dealer Network site is a fully bespoke online application for used car dealers to show they have been certified by the AA. The site will be used by a vast network of car dealers nationwide, offering reassurance that ​​they’re buying off trustworthy and reliable peers.

A streamlined user experience was essential for this project. The new platform has a simple, intuitive interface, with a dashboard that includes a personal dealer profile, lists of cars in the system, certified dealers and sales records.

AA Website

The dashboard also has integrated data analytics and export functionality, and help and support from AA experts. With this new portal, the AA has removed the uncertainty around buying a used car.

Delivered services:  Website Development   UX Design SEO


Key features

  • 01
    UX-optimised menus, tables and graphs, with ample white space and instantly recognisable yellow and black AA branding;
  • 02
    Multi-level admin dashboard — full interactive access for dealers, and read-only access for accountants;
  • 03
    KPI dashboard that displays key insights such as revenue graphs and dealer information;
  • 04
    Straightforward system for registering AA-approved cars, and membership invoicing;
  • 05
    Data exporting functionality — reports can be generated by specific time periods or custom date ranges.


To create a reassuring portal for buying used cars through reputable dealers nationwide.

  • Develop an inviting, intuitive user experience that appeals to car dealers of all technical abilities;
  • Establish a powerful, secure and user friendly platform for the smooth operation of this new initiative
  • Create a powerful analytics tool for dealers and accountants;
  • Build on the AA’s reputation as a mark of quality in car dealership.


A fully collaborative design and development project, from research and discovery, through achieving the client’s goals.

  • Discovery workshops to fine-tune the AA’s goals and brand requirements, and clearly identity user personas;
  • Bespoke graphic design, with bold homepage illustrations and intuitive data representation;
  • Development phase, with extensive testing and comprehensive collaborative QA process;
  • System training with Matrix technical lead to key AA Ireland stakeholders before launch.


A new service that strengthens the AA’s reputation for motoring excellence in Ireland.

  • UX excellence builds further trust in the AA;
  • A new platform that creates a sense of community within the Irish car dealership sector;
  • A powerful tool that creates convenience and value for motor dealers.


We at the AA have been working with Matrix, who delivered the portal for our new AA Approved Dealer Network offering. The support and quality of delivery from the team has been exceptional throughout.

Our partners at Matrix are a pleasure to work with, and work well with our team to drive collaborative solutions which meet our internal and external customer needs. Initial uptake on our newest offering has been very strong, and continues to grow.

We continue to partner collaboratively with Matrix in delivering ongoing enhancements to our offering and model.

Donal Rynne

Project Manager, Transformation Team