COVID-19 business survival


When we’re in the write frame of mind we share our digital insights, industry analysis and the odd hot take. Just putting it out there...

Google’s Panda!

What is it anyway? Google has once again tweaked its algorithms, and this time it's the arrival of Panda 4.0. You might be wondering, "Why... Read More

How often should I blog to help my SEO efforts ?

"To Improve is to Change, To Perfect is to Change Often" Watching House of Cards last night, I heard Frank Underwood mention a great quote... Read More

What is Google Hummingbird

Very recently Google announced 'Hummingbird', a new algorithm rather than just an update or a refresh. Google themselves said 2001, was the last time the... Read More

Why SEO marketing is Necessary

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing is a necessary component of any successful digital marketing strategy. SEO focuses on improving the visibility and ranking of a... Read More