Is Duplicate Content killing you?

What is Duplicate Content?

Duplicate content refers to content that appears on multiple pages of your website or other websites on the internet. It can be intentional or unintentional, and it can occur within a single website or across multiple websites.

For example, if you have two pages on your website that have the same content, that would be considered duplicate content. Similarly, if you copy content from another website and publish it on your website, that would also be considered duplicate content.

How Does Duplicate Content Affect SEO?

Duplicate content can affect your website’s SEO in several ways. Firstly, it can dilute your website’s authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines. Search engines may struggle to determine which version of the content is the original and, therefore, which page should be ranked higher in search results.

Secondly, duplicate content can result in search engines penalizing your website. Search engines like Google and Bing may view duplicate content as a form of spamming and lower the ranking of your website or remove it from search results altogether.

Finally, duplicate content can also harm the user experience. Users may become frustrated if they encounter the same content multiple times, which can lead to a higher bounce rate and lower engagement.

How to check if your website is affected by duplicate content

SEO Duplicate content

When boarding a plane, the girl at the check-in desk asks you  “did you pack the bag yourself?”. There is a similar question to you here! “Did you write your content yourself?”. If you copied and pasted it from somewhere else then the answer is NO, which is not good!

Google are fairly upfront about this, they say:

Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar…

…On top of this:

“Google tries hard to index and show pages with distinct information.”

What they are saying here is basically that Google tries to only index pages with recognizably different information. If you or whoever wrote your content duplicated it within your domain, or from another website that is going to harm you. Most of the time it isn’t malicious – in other words, it hasn’t been done on purpose to try and cheat search rankings- but it doesn’t help. In a world where content is king, this needs to be right!

Where do web developers get it wrong?

So many developers don’t quite understand how many potential problems duplicate content can cause. You will be able to tell them. If you don’t supply them with the content(*not recommended) they will find a copy from a directory (if it’s a business description) or a competitor’s site (if it’s a product description) and use it on your site unaltered. This is where your knowledge comes in with theirs. you need to give them good information and they will help you make it SEO friendly. Sometimes, this text possibly was supposed to be a placeholder for the real juicy stuff you were going to create but never did before it went live.

How to check for duplicate content

This one’s easy – just Google it.

Step 1, copy the text you are planning on putting in your site.

Step 2 put it into Google surrounded by quotation marks (“).

This can be done if your site is live or not. Don’t

Duplicate text

copy the whole text in one big lump. take 2 or 3 sentences at a time. Choose a few pieces of content to check across several pages of your website. Make sure you use the quotation marks (“)

There are 2 possible results, these could be:

  • If all goes to plan, you should see a message like the one above, showing that there are no other instances of this sentence found online.
  • If you have copied text, you’ll see other web pages featuring your copy in the search results.

1 or 2 points on this test that I would say.

This test isn’t 100% bulletproof. Google, being Google are now able to see that content has been copied and a few words switched around to make a new sentence. By doing this search you won’t find pieces like this however you are doing this test to catch blatant copying or plagiarism.

In crowded spaces, a lot of people are saying the same or similar things, therefore, may have similar-looking sentences, if you see a blatant copy of a block of text then I would worry.

[tweetthis]I know how to find Duplicate content thanks to this amazing article on @matrix_internet #SEOGENIUS[/tweetthis]

How to Avoid Duplicate Content

There are several ways to avoid duplicate content and mitigate its impact on your website’s SEO. Here are a few tips:

Create Unique and Valuable Content

The best way to avoid duplicate content is to create unique and valuable content for your website. This will ensure that your content is original and relevant to your target audience, which will improve your website’s SEO and user experience.

Use Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are HTML tags that indicate to search engines which version of a page is the original. By using canonical tags, you can ensure that search engines know which page to rank higher in search results.

Redirect Duplicate Pages

If you have multiple pages with similar or duplicate content, you can redirect those pages to a single, canonical version of the page. This will consolidate your content and ensure that search engines only index the canonical version.

Monitor Your Website’s Content

Regularly monitoring your website’s content can help you identify instances of duplicate content and take action to address them. Use tools like Copyscape or Siteliner to scan your website for duplicate content.


By taking these steps, you can ensure that your website remains SEO-friendly and delivers a positive user experience.

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