How often should I blog to help my SEO efforts?

Watching House of cards last night I heard Frank Underwood mention a great quote from Winston Churchill “To improve is to change, to perfect is to change often”. Little did he know when he was speaking such words of wisdom that he would also be describing the SEO landscape of 2014.  Now that people use the phrase “Google it” so casually in a sentence, people need to be writing useful and relevant content to rank highly for that information. Mat Cutts (Head of Google’s Webspam team)  suggests 3 main ways people are searching for information. He refers to the as: Informational, Transactional and Navigational. (and this is supported by a recent study done at Penn state university!)

  • Informational searching involves looking for a specific topic, and how to do something (like how to play chess).
  • Navigational searching seeks to locate a specific website for a certain company home page
  • Transactional searching going looking for products and shopping online(which is growing more and more each and every day),

Matrix SEO

Which of these did your last blog post fall into? So many of the changes to Search engine algorithms happening today are just slight improvements of these original ideas created by the geniuses over in Google all those years ago. How does this relate I hear you ask? Well, a recent update by Google was all about Freshness. Google was now going to place more emphasis on showing up fresher web content for searches made. Google has been doing this for years anyway but now they are telling people about it and it is driving a serious amount of attention. So how often do you blog? How often do you participate in a community online?  If someone is searching for something that is related to your business will you be found?

If you need a helping hand with your content marketing or Digital marketing and general please feel free to contact us and our team! 

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