COVID-19 business survival


When we’re in the write frame of mind we share our digital insights, industry analysis and the odd hot take. Just putting it out there...

It’s not too late to start marketing on TikTok

We recently discussed whether you’re really too old for TikTok, but the short answer is that if you’re still not on board, you haven’t missed... Read More

Are you sure you’re too old for TikTok?

Parents of tween and teens are surely familiar with TikTok as the source of endless dance moves and wacky challenges. If you’re an actual adult... Read More

5 team-building ideas that won’t make you cringe

Team-building in work is something we’d like to happen naturally, but there’s only so much bonding you can do at the coffee machine or sharing... Read More

Ask the experts – how important are keywords for SEO in 2022?

One of the most frustrating things about the struggle to rank well in the search engine results pages (SERPs) is that the rules change constantly... Read More

6 web design tips for a killer homepage

In a world of instant gratification online, people won’t wait around if your homepage is below par. You have 50 milliseconds to make a good... Read More

3 Enterprise Ireland Grants To Boost Your Online Business in 2022

It’s been a tough couple of years for Irish companies, but no one should still be in pandemic panic mode. Between Covid and Brexit, it’s... Read More

4 Ways to Make a Good First Impression Online

The Global pandemic has completely transformed the way people shop. The lurkers have now joined the early adopters in pushing the trend of online shopping... Read More

Importance of Website Security

Are you concerned about the threat of hacking or other malicious attacks on your company’s website? You have good reason to be. A recent national survey... Read More

Search Engine Optimisation

What is SEO and why is it important? Those of us who lack IT backgrounds tend to approach most aspects of web development and technology... Read More

5 steps to securing €40,000 in round 3 of the Online Retail Scheme

Enterprise Ireland has just announced the third round of the COVID-19 Retail Scheme — just over a year since the pandemic turned the global economy... Read More