COVID-19 business survival


When we’re in the write frame of mind we share our digital insights, industry analysis and the odd hot take. Just putting it out there...

Google’s Panda!

What is it anyway? Google has once again tweaked its algorithms, and this time it's the arrival of Panda 4.0. You might be wondering, "Why... Read More

Finding Your Digital Voice!

Rold Gold did and look what happened to them! Have you ever heard of Rold Gold? Nope, neither have I. They are a 100-year-old pretzel... Read More

To people working as employees, being self-employed sounds like a very relaxing gig.  No boss!  No one giving orders and giving out if you don’t... Read More

The digital world moves quickly, and the EU recently warned some social media platforms that they aren’t moving fast enough to comply with European law.... Read More