When is time to update images on Website?

Your website isn’t static – or at least, it shouldn’t be. One of the biggest mistakes companies make is thinking that once they have their website designed, they do not have to update their images.  Most people understand they need a website redesign every few years. Despite this,  we forget that we need to constantly update the material on websites. We remember to update the special offers and seasonal material. While that is vital, it is not enough.

It is easy to overlook the imagery on your website. We should update the images as well as the content. But when do you need to provide new, fresh photos for your company’s website? Here are a few examples of things to watch for when you review your site.

Top 5 Fresh Web Design Trends in 2020

Four Things to Check

  • Do you have photos of the outside of your bricks and mortar premises? If you want people to find your location, it helps to have a current photo of the exterior that shows some of the surrounding settings. Has a shop next to your premises been painted or changed name? Is the landscaping still the same as in the photo?
    • Check this quarterly in busy urban areas, and twice a year elsewhere.
  • If you have a venue such as a hotel, restaurant, café or activity centre, you probably have pictures of people enjoying themselves there. Do they look fresh? Fashions change. If the happy people in your photos are sporting clothing and hairstyles that now look dated, it’s time for some new pictures. (Just remember to get written permission from everyone who appears in the photos you use.)
    • Check this annually.
  • Interior fashions change too. Do you have product shots in home settings? While we usually update our personal style more often than our interior design, showing your pieces in a setting that is now out of date won’t help sell them. Remember, people are often buying ceramics, textiles and the like to update the look of their home. Seeing your items in a setting that was trendy three years ago won’t convince them to purchase.
    • Check this every second year.
  • Most of us of a certain age are guilty of using a profile picture on social media from a time when we had more hair. But if your site includes photos of the staff, they should be reasonably current. If people are likely to view your site and then meet your staff, it boosts trust in your brand if people look like their staff photo.
    • Check this annually.

Consistency has value. Changing the fonts or layout of your website too often would backfire. Changing the photos to ensure they are up to date will keep your site looking fresh. Visitors will know you are active and engaged – and they’ll also see you have an eye on current trends.


Need help with your website update? Contact us today for professional guidance.

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