What Do Search Engines Want?

The difficulty with search engines is that they never tell you clearly what they precisely want.

You get rewarded when you get it right. They change their algorithms without notice. It can be difficult to keep track of the ever-changing landscape of SEO.

You want to know how to get to the top of the search engine results.  We can’t give you a single tactic to keep you at the top of the search engine results pages but we do have some general pointers to help you out.


Yes, Content Is Still King

Content is king.  You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again and again and again.  Your website’s content is critical to your search engine optimization.  Good content is how to get to the top of the search engine results.  Since the dawn of search engines, some web marketers have tried to con the search engines.  They’ve filled their sites with cheap content stuffed with keywords in prose that makes flat-pack instructions look poetic.  Predictably, the search engines caught up with them.

Tactics such as keyword stuffing and spun articles wouldn’t really result in great sales even if the search engines did not shut them down by penalizing them in the SERPs.  Potential customers do not want garbage.  If you give them bad content, you’re pretty much warning them to expect bad products and even worse service from you.  It’s not an effective marketing tactic.

You’ll be hearing people talk about ‘dense’ content versus ‘thin’ content a lot in 2017. Dense is good, and thin is bad.  The terms here refer to the value of your content.  Dense content offers the reader meaningful, useful information.  This content is just typing interspersed with keywords.

Really, it all gets back to UX.  Good content dense with value gives your web visitors a good experience.  Thin content leaves them dissatisfied.  Sprinkle some relevant keywords and plenty of variations on them into that densely valuable content, and you will make both search engines and web visitors happy.

Do you think you need help with your SEO? Call us today for a FREE SEO review!

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