Thought Blogging Was Irrelevant For Your Business?…Think Again

Blogging…the name itself seems so boring doesn’t it, Then there’s the mundane task of writing these blogs out on a regular basis.

It can be easy to see why many businesses take the “why bother” approach toward blogging.

Well, what if I told you that sharing good quality fresh blog content on a regular basis can drive a huge number of visitors to your website thus increasing the opportunity for more leads?




“Wait A Minute…What?”

I bet that made you stop and think for a moment. The fact is if people are interested in a particular product or service they are going to search for it, if you leave your website idle with the same old text and imaging then you have zero chance of being found.

All search engines love quality fresh content, so providing this on a regular basis will increase the quality of the SEO on your website. This in turn will help your site move higher and higher up the Google rankings. If you’re smart about it could even move to the first couple of pages in some cases. This can be done by placing relevant keywords to your business in the blog title and content. Do take caution not to stuff in too many keywords however as this may lead to disciplinary measures from Google!

Just imagine all those interested people landing directly onto your site first when they search for a product or service. Make no mistake this miraculous volume of traffic certainly doesn’t happen overnight it takes a lot of hard work on and off the site. The rewards are endless however and it’s all down to putting in the maximum effort.



“What If People Don’t Want to Read My Blogs?”

This depends on how creative you want to get. Sure you could try posting the same content every week with a different title and hope people won’t notice… let’s see how that works out! The fact is people have no interest in reading the same old stuff over and over again.

The more you try to spin old news back to your audience the more of a bad reputation your blog will get and before you know it people will boycott your site en masse. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about as Oscar Wilde once said.

Avoiding this is simple. Provide fresh content and give people what they want to read, never talk a

bout your personal self or throw out a direct sales pitch. For example, if you run a restaurant don’t blog about how your weekend went or how good your early bird menu is. Blog about things like the good food you serve, new recipes, general tips and fine wines.

There is a reason people have visited your site; they want to know more about your business and what you can offer them. If you are going to blog about a seasonal event such as Christmas or Halloween then make sure you subtly place details about your product or service into the content that is relevant or linked to the event without appearing to be sales orientated. Subliminal advertising can be just as effective in converting traffic into customers.

“How Do I Get My Blogs Out There?”


What If People Don’t Want to Read My Blogs? Banner



People don’t automatically just flock to your website, you need to attract them. This is where Social Media becomes key. Through channels such as Facebook and Twitter, you can share your content with a huge audience who can then be drawn back to your website.

Always share your content. Do it as much and as regularly as you can. People won’t mind being overloaded with content on their social channels once it’s fresh, interesting and easy to digest.

Other mediums to share your content are topical forums such as Reddit where you can place your blog in specific threads related to your business. This will lead to a higher probability of people interested in your type of business reading your stuff.

“Ok I’m Convinced, When Do I Start?”

There’s no time like the present! Get your creative juices flowing and start as soon as possible. Don’t think about how much time you have wasted, think of the endless opportunities that lie ahead.

Always remember the more you put into your blogs the more you will get out of them. Applying the maximum effort is key and keep in mind there are a lot of businesses out there who are NOT sharing their content. This gives your business a voice and a competitive edge above the rest, so don’t haste get your stuff out there and happy blogging!

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