Duplicate Content: Causes, Implications, and Fixes

Duplicate content refers to content that appears in more than one place on the internet, either on the same website or on different sites, with the same or very similar wording. Duplicate content can be a major issue for search engines, as it can cause confusion over which version of the content is the original and which should be ranked higher in search results.

Reasons why duplicate content occur

URL parameters

If your website uses URL parameters to dynamically generate content, search engines may view each URL variation as a separate page with duplicate content.

Similar pages

If your website has multiple pages with similar content, such as product pages with only slight variations, search engines may have difficulty determining which page to rank higher.

Scraped content

If other websites scrape and republish your content without permission or attribution, it can create duplicate content issues.

Printer-friendly pages

Some websites create printer-friendly pages that are identical to their standard pages, creating duplicate content.

The implications of duplicate content for SEO can be significant, as it can lead to a dilution of your website’s search engine ranking and can negatively impact its visibility in search results.

SEO Solutions

1. Canonical tags

Canonical tags are HTML elements that allow webmasters to tell search engines which version of a webpage is the preferred version when there are multiple versions of the same content. By using the canonical tag, webmasters can specify the original source of the content and indicate that it should be considered the authoritative version.

Why it’s important?

Basically put, canonicalization means ‘showing what version of your site is the right one. Yes, there can be more than one version. With the web still being based on a 30-year-old framework, there are still glitches in the way it works. Two? URLs are can be read totally differently.

What is a URL?
“URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet”

this resource is your website in this instance. The causes for issues are countless when you are talking about canonicalization with the biggest being whether or not to use ‘www’ at the start of your site URL. When you are starting to talk with your developer, they will ask you if your site should include the www or not. This is not a huge decision and we sometimes make the decision to make things easier for our clients, but the important part is that the decision is consistent across the site. From this, we use canonicalization so people who come to the site and robots are redirected to the right version of the site.
To see how this works, try going to the following links, and see how you’re redirected to the ‘opposite’ version(www. or not): https://facebook.com/ samsung.com


Why is this so important? Seems a little unnecessary!

This is why:
Backlinks to your site pass some link juice to your page. If you manage to establish a really great link to your site but it’s to the wrong version of your site or your internal links are inconsistent, this link juice won’t be passed over properly. You can stop it from happening with links to your site when organically building links but you can ensure that when it does happen, the link Juice is redirected to the right place by using canonicalisation.

How do developers get it so wrong?

All of our web developers have a decent understanding of canonicalization, but there are so many developers that don’t get it or put it in the wrong. We see so many sites with this done wrong and it can be due to inexperience or they don’t value the importance of canonicalization for SEO.

How to check for canonicalization?

So to test to see if you have canonicalization for www or not but do understand that there are other options that may affect SEO. As you saw with the two examples above, all you have to do is visit the wrong version of your page, and see if you’re redirected to the correct version.
i.e if you’ve decided to include a ‘www’, you should type something like the following into the address bar:

If you don’t want the ‘www’, type something like this: https://www.matrixinternet.com/

Now check the address bar. If you’ve been redirected to the other version of the site, canonicalization is in place for this site. If not, then you need to speak to your web developer and ask why or alternatively get in contact with us and we can give you a hand.

The canonical tag is an HTML element that allows webmasters to tell search engines which version of a webpage is the preferred version when there are multiple versions of the same content.

By using the canonical tag, webmasters can specify the original source of the content and indicate that it should be considered the authoritative version. This can help to avoid the problem of duplicate content, as search engines will understand which version of the content to index and rank in search results.

For example, if you have a product page on your website that is accessible from multiple URLs, such as:

  • example.com/products/product1
  • example.com/products/product1/?ref=featured
  • example.com/products/product1/?utm_source=google

you can use the canonical tag to specify that the first URL is the preferred version and should be indexed by search engines. By including the following code in the HTML of the other pages:


you are indicating to search engines that the first URL is the original source of the content and should be given priority in search results.

Using canonical tags is a recommended practice to avoid duplicate content issues, and it can be particularly useful for ecommerce websites or sites with large amounts of similar content.

2. Content consolidation

If you have multiple pages on your website with similar content, consider consolidating that content onto a single page. This can help to reduce the number of pages with duplicate content and can improve the overall quality of your website.

Content consolidation is an SEO strategy that involves merging or combining multiple pieces of content on a website into a single, comprehensive piece of content. The goal of content consolidation is to improve a website’s overall search engine optimization by consolidating related content, eliminating duplicate content, and improving the overall quality of the content.

Content consolidation can be useful for several reasons:

  • By consolidating related content, website owners can create a more organized website structure that makes it easier for users and search engines to navigate.
  • Duplicate content can hurt a website’s SEO by confusing search engines and diluting the authority of the content. By consolidating duplicate content, website owners can ensure that all of their content is unique and valuable.
  • By combining multiple pieces of content into a single, comprehensive piece, website owners can create higher-quality content that provides more value to users.

Overall, content consolidation can be an effective SEO strategy for website owners who want to improve their website’s organization, eliminate duplicate content, and improve the quality of their content.

301 redirects

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. It is a server-side redirect that tells search engines and browsers that a page has been permanently moved to a new location. When a user or search engine crawler visits the old URL, the server automatically redirects them to the new URL.

301 redirects are commonly used when a website undergoes a redesign, changes its URL structure, or moves to a new domain. By implementing 301 redirects, website owners can preserve the SEO value of the old URLs and transfer it to the new URLs. This helps to maintain the website’s search engine rankings and ensures that users are not presented with broken links.

301 redirects are preferred over other types of redirects (such as 302 redirects) because they pass most of the SEO value from the old URL to the new URL. Search engines interpret a 301 redirect as a permanent move and transfer most of the link equity and ranking signals to the new URL. In contrast, a 302 redirect is a temporary redirect that does not pass the same level of SEO value to the new URL.

To implement a 301 redirect, website owners typically use a server-side configuration file or a plugin for their content management system (CMS). It is important to ensure that all versions of the old URL (including HTTP and HTTPS versions) are redirected to the new URL to avoid any confusion for users and search engines.

Noindex tags

You can use the “noindex” tag to tell search engines not to index certain pages on your website. This can be useful if you have pages with duplicate content that you don’t want to appear in search results.

“Noindex” is a command that website owners can use to instruct search engines not to index a specific webpage or website altogether. When a page is marked with a “noindex” tag, it will not appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) and will not be included in search engine rankings.

The “noindex” tag is often used to prevent duplicate content from being indexed, to hide low-quality or outdated content, or to keep private or sensitive information from appearing in search engine results. However, it is important to use the “noindex” tag carefully, as it can have a significant impact on a website’s SEO.

Using the “noindex” tag too liberally can lead to a decrease in organic search traffic, as it prevents pages from appearing in search engine results. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the “noindex” tag is not used on pages that should be indexed, such as important landing pages or pages with valuable content.

When using the “noindex” tag, website owners should also ensure that the “nofollow” tag is not used on internal links pointing to the noindexed pages, as this can result in wasted link equity and a decrease in website authority.

In summary, the “noindex” tag can be a useful tool for managing duplicate content, low-quality content, or sensitive information on a website. However, it should be used carefully and strategically to avoid negative impacts on a website’s SEO.

Unique content creation

The best way to avoid issues with duplicate content is to create unique, high-quality content for your website. This can help to establish your website’s authority and relevance in search results and can help to attract more traffic and backlinks to your site.


Duplicate content can be a serious issue for SEO, but there are several fixes that can help to avoid or resolve these issues. By using canonical tags, consolidating content, using 301 redirects, or creating unique content, webmasters can help to establish their website’s authority and relevance in search results and can attract more traffic to their site.


  1. Explanation of content consolidation in SEO: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/content-consolidation-seo/362013/
  2. Explanation of 301 redirects: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/301-redirects
  3. Explanation of the noindex tag: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/block-indexing
  4. Explanation of when to use the noindex tag: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-guide/noindex/
  5. Explanation of using nofollow and noindex tags: https://yoast.com/meta-robots-nofollow-nocache-noarchive-noindex-explained/
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