Ransomware Basics for Small Businesses

Headlines around the world are screaming about the latest ransomware attack.  The Wannacry bug has infected computer systems in at least 150 countries, and it caused massive chaos to the UK’s health system over the weekend.  So what is ransomware?  How can you protect your business’s computer system?  What should you do if you fall victim to Wannacry or another ransomware cyber attack?

Ransomware is a specific type of cyber attack.  It infects your system through the same vulnerabilities as any other computer virus, and the hackers demand a payment to fix your computer.  There are two types of ransomware: encryption and lock screen.  Encryption ransomware encrypts your files, and the lock screen freezes your computer screens.  Both types demand you to take some action to free your computer.  Usually, the hackers demand money, but occasionally they make other types of demands such as for information.  Sometimes hackers research and target specific victims for their attacks, but not always.

The Wannacry malware is unusual and particularly dangerous because it replicates itself and spreads throughout your computer network once it gets into your system.

What Can You Do About Ransomware?

With any kind of computer malware, you need to know two things.  You need to know how to avoid it and what to do if your best efforts fail to protect you.  The first step to preventing any kind of cyber attack is to make sure that you have the best anti-virus protection available to you and that it is up to date.  Make sure you have any patches that have been released for your computer software.  The Wannacry virus attacks a vulnerability in Windows, and the company has released a patch for it.  The second line of defence is common sense.  Be careful.  Don’t open attachments or click on links if you don’t know exactly what they are or if you were not expecting them.  This applies to social media too. Make sure your staff understands this.


Hackers are on the job full time looking for ways to harm businesses and individuals.  You have a business to run.  While large companies can employ IT experts on staff, small and medium businesses don’t have the resources for that.  If you do get hit, stay calm.  Do not send the hackers any money.  Do not respond to them at all.  The thing about ransom is that paying it guarantees nothing.  These are criminals.  It makes no sense to expect them to keep their word and free up your system.  Instead, contact a reputable, qualified IT security expert right away.

One more thing you can do to protect your business from a cyber attack is to back up your system frequently and store that backup safely.  The best options for backup vary depending on the size of your data and other factors.  But the critical thing is to store your backup so that it cannot be touched, physically or electronically, by anyone with bad intentions.

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